Well it started out bad, snowy slush and progressed to freezing rain. We stopped for the night outside of Effingham (eggs and ham) at a rest area to see if it would blow over. I got up about 4:30am to rain and strong winds. It blow the camper all over the road, my arms are kill'n me from trying to keep it on the road. We finally made it, the camper has developed a major engine oil leak, it took 8qt's of oil coming down. I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Here are some photos I took from my phone while driving.

The drive home was un-adventful, used 8 more qts of oil. Its definatly a rear main seal leak, also lost two hubcaps in Illinios on those smooth paved roads. How is it that we pay some of the highest taxes but have the shittiest roads in the country?