We've tried to make liquid laundry soap in the past but with no success, we have been making and using powder soap for about 3 years but really want to try liquid so we are trying again.
Here is the ingredients:
This makes 1/2 Gallon of concentrate, that's a full 128 loads of laundry!
1 bar Fels Naptha
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA!!)
4 cups of hot water
2 quart mason jars
Grate the Fels Naptha
Bring the 4 cups of water to a boil in a sauce pan add the Fels Naptha slowly steering the water to dissolve the soap.
Mix the Borax and WASHING soda together and slowly add it to the sauce pan making sure it completely dissolves with no grit at the bottom of the pan.
Pour the pan into the two mason jars splitting the liquid equally, add HOT water to the shoulders of the jars and cap and flip the jars over on to the caps.
Let sit 4 to 5 hours
After it has set it will separate and that's when the fun begins, the mason jars fit on a blender. Gently whip the soap until it is uniform and smooth and its now ready to use.
A table spoon per wash load is recommended.