Down on The Hill
We packed up the camper with the dogs and left out Wednesday around 4pm and drove south of Efingham before I stopped for the night. In the morning we made a stop at Arkabulta Dam
And then we headed over to Mom & Dad's for Thanksgiving Dinner with the family.
I got up early on Friday and went out to Dad's shop to start a fire for him
OSHA Approved, I'm sure.......
He came out to do some assembly work
Herb has always messed with cars, he had a mechanics shop in Chicago by Saint Ann's Hospital and was bought out by them for the property and he decided to move back home to Senatobia, Ms. He had opened a place up in town and had to close it due to family issues and then built him a shop behind his house, this was over 25 years ago. Today he still does transmission work, I think if he stops work'n in his shop he will just stop (living) its his escape, get-a-way, trans fluid runs through his veins along with ginger-al.
Well I'm not all that good at story telling but Herb can tell a story. Herb had decided he was going to take me out for a ride down on the delta to look for old cars and trucks.

As we were running down through the back dirt roads a train had us stopped long enough for Herb to ramble on about how he met his wife, she was out in a cotton field running and he first thought, she was a boy cause (in his words) she didn't have any boobs and then I got the run down on how he flipped a car over in front of her daddy's house and how pissed her daddy was with him. I enjoyed listening to the great stories of his and Louis's life as a young couple cort'n.
He then spotted some old cars and trucks scattered across this property that looked abandoned and he slowed down and was just creeping along. As we were trying to see what was under all the years of growth and junk, I caught a glimpse of a tall larger, older, darker person standing in the door way behind a torn screen door and as Herb creeped along unaware of us being watched I spotted a rifle in this person's hand. I told Herb that I think we needed to roll on out of there and we did. I guess if I had two white guys in a pick up truck circling my house I be standing and ready too. No harm done and no one shot so we road around for next hour or so just talking about family, work and stuff.
Later that knight we decided to go to Smok'n M's for catfish, Melissa, Nikki, Mom and Dad headed out for the evening.
Sunday Morning rolled around way to fast, I didn't get the best nights sleep due to too much sweet tea and a dog that needed to be walked at 3am, 5:30 came way to quick by my alarm and Melissa texting me she was ready (I sleep in the RV with TJ and she stayed with Nikki in Mom & Dad's house).
We loaded up and headed out before the sun rose and cleared the frost
We started knocking off the states one by one...
Well the trip turned into a very long one, we finally arrived home about 7:30pm and I unloaded the RV while Melissa ran to get groceries for the weeks lunch.