Spent this last weekend back down at Mom & Dad's in Mississippi. Melissa and TJ and I left out Friday after work and drove down to Marion Il in the PT Cruiser and stayed at the Dury inn, they are pet friendly and drove back home today (Monday). We made it in to Moms at about 12:30 Saturday, It had just started to rain. It was in the low fifties but about 95 in the house, Herb had a chill! It was good to see them again and I believe they were happy to have us there.
Well Melissa started cleaning and I headed out to the Fifth wheel camper that they had let one of their strays take up residency for a while to asses the damage she had done. I opened the door of the camper and smells made me wanna loose my lunch! Melissa cleaned and almost fumigated us out of the trailer; she got carried away with the bleach thinking she would bleach Betty’s smell out the camper. I hauled off 4 big bags of garbage, 2 boxes of junk and Carl got one big bag of cans out of the camper. It was bad! I can't understand why people would want to live like that. I've been told that if its given and you don't have to work for it you won't appreciate it, well that’s a load of sh*t! I was raised to respect others and their property; she just took advantage of the situation, glad she's gone!
Saturday night Mom wanted to go out for dinner so we went up to South Haven to a place called Ponders. It’s a buffet featuring catfish :0) one of my favorites when I'm down there. The food was unbelievably good and I defiantly ate way too much. Melissa had her nerves shaken up pretty good on the drive back home cause Herb refused to let me drive, it was interesting.
So the drive home today was pretty uneventful except for the fog we had, it started off pretty thick and then dissipated when we crossed the IL border. It was a good trip, even though Melissa feels she didn't accomplish much.
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