January 21, 2010
When it rains it pours!
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse the tow trucks transmission took a sh*t today. It’s getting tuff; I started to feel good about the business after taking my certifications and got pumped about the industry as a hole to just come to a screeching halt.
Being a small mom & pop operation is getting to be a challenge from day to day, it’s either no capital to purchase or to much capital out on accounts owed to us, stress is becoming over whelming. I ask myself why do we continue, its tuff trying to make a dollar dealing with the insurance companies trying to control costs, new EPA rules and village regulations, working physically and mentally hard, day to day living on money you really don't have and then the added stress it puts on Melissa and my relationship. I do love what I do, I remember enjoying my job but it seams to be different know, it changed for me about 4 or 5 years ago. I really don’t know why it did, I do know that the day to day stuff is really bothering me, I am worried and stressed.
My health is not so good; it’s nothing major, just my bad cholesterol is high. The doc told me to exercise and diet and in two months I go in for a complete physical to check everything and to make some decisions. I had an incident around Labor Day, that was an eye opener and a major out of pocket expense thanks to our high deductible on our health insurance. Stress, Stress and more Stress, need to de-stress!
Our Dream, My own Little World......
I find myself wondering around in my own little world, our dream of having a piece of land, being self sufficient to a point, Melissa wouldn't allow me to go to my extreme of being off the grid but to be comfortable. I want to able to get up in the morning and enjoy the day doing something that I want to do and look forward to it the night before. To be able to work the land, build on it and to have a future. A small shop in the back to do a small job, maybe some custom work or a wreck I bought to fix and sell, just enough to get by and survive. A place that my daughters can come out and enjoy and want to be out there with us, a life with less stress and overhead! Overhead, that’s a topic that I haven’t even scratched on yet but really, this dream needs to become a reality and soon, we are saving for it and it will become a reality but not soon enough.
I do have to apologize for my ramblings or even a hint of it being a woe's me blurp but I needed to let out and I started this blog to keep track of our lives and this is something that happens (ramblings) in all our lives and I found that keeping it pent up does no good but to be able to express your thoughts and feelings is defiantly a good thing, so bear with me cause I’m sure this won’t be the last time.
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