Monday, May 10, 2010

5/10/2010 Rolling Mdws & Mt Prospect Car Shows

I am sitting here at my desk on Monday morning about 6:10am and thinking we had a good weekend. Friday night we took the 37 Ford & 67 Chevy up to our local cruise night in town, our employee Joe and his Dad showed up with there cars. Joe has a 1970 Nova and his dad built a front engine dragster replica of the car he campaigned in the late fifties early sixties. Well besides us there were probably six others that braved the cold and showed up. It didn't last that long about a hole hour and half before it started raining.

Saturday I was up early and went to work for a couple of hours. After work I met up with Tim and his wife Karen and went to Mount Prospect High Schools auto shop car show with the 37 Ford, Melissa had an eye appointment and couldn't make. Again it was a bit chilly and a threat of rain was in the air. Crusty took a trophy, 1st for it since I finished it, kinda of surprised me. It was cool, the show benefited the auto shop class at the school and the students got a kick out of Crusty (our 37 ford). Saturday night Melissa and I went our for dinner for Mothers day, all in all another good day except Melissa being shocked and upset about the cost of her new glasses.

Sunday we stayed around the house and did some yard work, Melissa moved a bunch of hos ta and I got the garden rototilled and ready to plant, had dinner and just relaxed.

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