May 1, 2010
I've been putting this off for a while, its not that I don't want to do it but that it takes time and with only one booth to paint in I couldn't afford to tie it up for two days. Melissa and Nikki went to Mom & dads in Mississippi for Alysa's baby shower leaving me and TJ home so we are here at the shop taking care of Tim's Camaro. This is a project that Tim and I have been working on for about a year and its time for some color.

Several times blocking got it to this point. Blocking is were you take fine grit sand paper and wrap it around a block and sand out any in perfections or bodywork waves.
Then I moved the Camaro into the booth and spent 3 hours masking up the car to keep any over spray off the frame and engine compartment, it also keeps the dust and dirt off the cleaned and prep surface.
I applied a sealer coat that was tinted yellow and even with that it took 6 coats of base color to cover the car. I let that set up for about 20 minutes and then layed out the rally stripes.
Based them in GM black, unmasked and cleaned the car one more time and then applied the clear coat.
Done, deep and shiny! this was after 4 wet coats of Urethane Clear.
Joe buffing it out, took him about 10 hours to block sand and polish the Camaro.
Loaded and ready for delivery to Tims house for final assembly
Took me over 9 hours from start to finish just on the paint alone, I didn't want to push drying times to make sure everything flows smooth and it did. I love doing completes but they consume way to much time and even more in materials. Add up all the man hours and materials, you be lucky to break even
on job like this but the end result is well worth it.
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